Exhibitions&Events of Future , Present and Past



(not available yet)

Second Exhibition :::: Second Encounter

(future event)

:: Unknown ::

more surprises and "Easter eggs" ... flying ones perhaps..


The Art Studio :::: Behind the Mask Exhibition

(31st January 2019 to 2nd June 2019 )

:: Durham Oriental Museum ::

....The Art Studio of Sunderland would be exhibiting work of various individual and group artworks at the Oriental Museum in the themes of Egypt  ...



The Art Studio :::: The Tall Ships Race 2018

(During the Tall Ships Race 2018)

:: Sunderland Art Studio/Was supposed to be on the Docks ::

....The Art Studio of Sunderland would be exhibiting work of various individual and group artworks at the art studio in the themes of the Tall Ships ...



The Art Studio :::: Setchū- The Art of Japan

(July to October 2017)

:: Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens ::

....The Art Studio of Sunderland would be exhibiting work of various individual and group artworks at Sunderland museum and winter gardens ....


The Art Studio :::: No Stigma Attached 

(16th January 2015 until 18th April 2015)

:: Durham Oriental Museum ::

....The Art Studio of Sunderland would be exhibiting work of various individual and group artworks at the oriental museum with an oriental style in mind....


UK Erotic Arts Festival Edinburgh :::: Cosmic Orgasm Painting

(started: 11/06/2013, ended : 16/06/2013)

:: Edinburgh :: Itsy Art Gallery ::

My Oil Painting was dropped off at Edinburgh UK Erotic Arts Festival, Itsy gallery closed, Itsy moved to London, painting may be lost or claimed by someone else or Itsy has treasured it, don't know. Crop Circle created on day my painting was accepted into the gallery.

First Exhibition :::: First Contact

(started: 11/11/2011, ended : 14/11/2011)

:: Sunderland UK :: We'ar Out ::

Medium sized Elohim space craft was present at event, but undocumented, click link for more details about the event (write up being processed).