of Humanity Consciousness for Planetary Advance...
Before My Derpy derp about myself the
interterrestrial with a lost cause with a shit life with PTSD
from childhood and reoccurring nuclear nightmares that start off
with Brexit, which is now current.. I decided To share
the ET Contact Tool For FREE, on this page, on my website.
This shit should never be for sale, this should be shared for
the advancement of human consciousness. Money is irrelevant in
the cosmic scale of things, and extraterrestrials perceive money
as a primitive hurdle at the moment in earth humanity's progress
to thrive as a space faring nation. Such cloning, stem cells,
robotics, anti-gravity and robotics and AI exist on your planet,
but not everyone can use it, because it restricted to the few.
People are forced to die, get sick because the value of money
had been made more important than their very existence and
There is no time for profit over
contact, when planet is on the brink of WW3 and self
annihilation. There is so much hatred and misunderstanding,
ignorance and hatred towards the Extraterrestrials/Elohim/Star
People in the media, social media and much more. There is a
saying "Seeing is Believing" since people would rather believe
in a God , than understand about the existence of people on
other planets. People in modern days have in increased their
disputes about the existence of planets, with "flat-earth"
beliefs becoming more popular than ever. With the advancement of
technology and science, the competition of ignorance and
stupidity equally grows with the recent outcomes of Brexit and
Trump becoming president.
There is no time to fuck-about with money.
Dr Steven Greer has created a successful but crude tool that
assists in extraterrestrial contact, by using states of
consciousness that interest extraterrestrials to come closer to
humanity, which would be beneficial in the greater perception of
Earth's relationship with their neighbours. Unfortunately one
would have to buy this tool, while the TV is pumped with fear
and hatred towards extraterrestrials in the media for free.
There is a way to turn the tides around, that is providing free
access, the exchange rate of poorer countries make things
impossible to purchase. such as $1 may be 10 whatevers to 100 to
1000s of whatevers in different currencies. The majority of
device users on the planet use android.
I have purchased the android, and iOS
versions, and recycled and renovated my old android phone as a
barebones device, but also increased it's storage to 32GBs.
Since I had purchased it on the Play Store in the past,
re-installing and using it gave me issues with licensing crap.
Desperate times desperate measures money is irrelevant.
This tool, when more people use it would
pave the way for better understanding of extraterrestrials, that
they are not a threat, and merely observe the life here advance
, because they designed, programmed live to develop/evolve as it
is what it is today on this planet. When there is a better
understanding of extraterrestrials, a better future is possible,
a better relationship and understanding with interstellar
neighbours is established, and the possibility and urge for an
Extraterrestrial Embassy becomes a reality.
What also urged me to do this was also
blocked by Greer's twitter account when suggesting information
should be free and open source when releasing the latest movie
Unacknowledged , and also correcting him that a God does not
exist when commenting on this image:
commenting on this image, with this image
and my video:
To download the ZIPPED Android Version of
ET Contact Without any Bullshit and Greed, for Free.
Well due to having issues with
people, and problems I have been having on the Internet, giving
to much information about myself , hoping that it would promote
understanding and people get to know me, be friends whatever,
but people used it to hurt me and more trauma to my life..., By
using it to ban me from websites and social groups and so on,
and get bullied according to the information I had been open
about myself. So I have removed the Biography information
about me.. as I would just like to be remembered by artwork, not
my struggles and life traumas... But I would share a bit which I
had done in mail art form.
"Torn from between worlds"
Is the title of the work, and this work depicts memories most
people would say are unusual or science fiction. For me they are
real, and the best memories to base my work on, since my other
memories exist of being abused by religious extremist parents in
childhood, who tried bring me up the way they wanted with their
religious mindest and ideals. I had been the blacksheep of the
family and always an oditity as I had been born with both
genders but surgically altered to what gender they wanted me to
My extraterrestrial visits lighten up and make my life
interesting adding in mystery and fantasy into the mundane drama
of day to day life, where most mornings waking up to live a day,
felt like punishment. I always wish them to take me away , but
they never do, because I am an experiment , a creation of theirs
part of studing the culture and what life is all about on planet
Earth, to make a conclusion if Earth people are ready for open
public contact or not, based on the way people treat me, as i do
not look like normal people in society.
peer 1 ? Thanks for making such an
amazing work of mail art. I am enchanted by the personal stories
as well as the visual narrative. Although the story is really
personal, the artwork is a creative interpretation of memories
which may be shared by the viewer by the extraordinary way of
storytelling. The work speaks for itself as a visual narrative
and I definitely love it!
peer 4 ? Your creativity is astounding. I could see a potential
here for a graphic novel and ability to relate the story. Your
choice of colors was beautiful and other worldly along with the
fascinating symbolism. You have no need to conform to any ideal
but live out your creativity in what ever life you chose, only
be true to yourself and do no harm to others. Please continue to
explore your creative abilities.
This is the front of the Envelope,
depicting me and Anananiah, my star mother, showing me holograms
of planets and star charts in my bedroom while seated on her
lap, Ink black&white to indicate past memories slowly fading,
even though I remember colour.
The back of the envelope, in
colour. The flap with Anananiah's space craft which visits me
still now and then, but no close contact like on front. Exotic
symbols on left emphasizing to change future with art. On The
right, a hexagram symbol, the shape the spacecraft left with six
circular burn marks in the grass open field next door where it
landed to where I was living at 11 years, which is now built up.
The bottom part starting from left, depicting Religion a problem
to my life where earth parents forced me to live the gender they
wanted (male) when i was born with both, but wanted to be
female. A wormhole Anananiah traveled through. Large exotic text
which means "Design Intelligent" I connecting symbol in middle
of wormhole(as i am torn between worlds like Avatar, without
remembering the life on each). On right, a heart shaped flute I
played given to me to play by another extraterrestrial people,
who were curious about Anananiah.
A foot cast that I had made of
Anananiah's footprints by my earth parents who thought Anananiah
was an angel in regards to their religions belief and
understanding. It was very sentimental to me, and It was meeting
Anananiah, I started doing art and she was an Inspiration.
Because my art reflected the life and culture of Anananaiah,
which was very much sensual and controversial for a 11 year old
to draw. The foot cast was confiscated , and their perception of
Anananiah moved from angel into demon and she was an agent of
the devil. I was devistated. They kept it locked away in the
laundry, and when we moved town, it got conveniently lost. This
was the only real evidence I had about Anananiah. The DNA
samples is that indicating my "race" is unknown to the known on
Earth, because of my hybridization. Under this "foot cast
cardboard replica " insert has a star route between Earth and
Ananaiah's planet.(Not Available)
And from that experience, I have
had continuous extraterrestrial experiences of different star
cultures and star peoples especially the ones who bio-engineered
life on this planet, who help me retrieve the memories about
life, the universe and everything including the basic science
how to fly back home, but don't have the resources to do so.